CZ Bren 2 Extended Bolt Catch Lifter

55,00 €
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Vergrösserter Verschlussfanghebel für die CZ Bren von Lingle Industries


The CZ Bren 2 Extended Bolt Catch Lifter is a drop in replacement for the factory bolt catch lifter. The extended bolt catch lifter allows for easier manipulation of the plastic bolt catch lifter inside the trigger guard. Please see the video below for installation instructions.

Parts Included:(1) - Extended Bolt Catch - Upper(1) - Extended Bolt Catch - Lower(1) - Set Screw(1) - 1/16" Allen Key

Disclaimer: Lingle Industries is not affiliated with CZ. The use of "CZ " or "Bren 2" is for advertising of aftermakert products for the CZ Bren 2 platform only.

Hersteller:xxx xGermany
Verantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur in der EU:HornerArms UGUntere Mühlstr. 2973540 HeubachGermany