MS4® Dual QD Sling GEN2

105,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Magpul Trageriemen.

mit QD Ösen

lässt sich als One Point oder Two Point nutzen


Filling the same mission requirement as the standard MS3 Sling, the MS4 can quickly switch between one-point and two-point configuration. The MS4 maintains material construction and specifications identical to that of the standard MS3, but instead of Magpul Paraclips™, it features two heavy-duty push-button QD Sling Swivels, along with a custom steel connection ring to allow one-to-two-point convertibility. This modification allows compatibility with QD sling cups commonly found on lower receivers, receiver end plates, buttstocks, and many low-profile forward QD Sling Mounts.

The MS4 Dual QD GEN2 incorporates a new, low profile quick-adjust slider which minimizes bulk and allows for secure, yet effortless, sling adjustment. Webbing length has also been increased for a comfortable fit with all body types and armor configurations.

Made in U.S.A. and 100% Berry Amendment compliant.

Hersteller:Magpul8226 Bee Cave Rd78746 Austin,TexasUnited States
Verantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur in der EU:HornerArms UG (haftungsbeschränkt)Untere Mühlstr.2973540 HeubachGermany