BT10 V8 Atlas Bipod

319,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Zweibein von B&T

Wird direkt an eine Pica-Rail montiert


  • BT10-Mounts directly to any 1913 style Picatinny rail via a low profile two screw clamp assembly.
  • Height Range approximately 4.75 – 9.0".
  • 15 degrees +/- of preloaded Pan
  • 15 degrees +/- of preloaded Cant
  • Leg positions are; stowed back, 45 degrees angled back, 90 degrees straight down, 45 degrees forward and stowed forward.
  • Weight 11.0 ounces.
  • Footprint spread 8"– 11"
  • Available in black only
  • Made in America

Hersteller:B&T Industries LLCPO Box 77107167277 WichitaKSUnited States
Verantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur in der EU:HornerArms UG (haftungsbeschränkt)Untere Mühlstr.2973540 HeubachGermany